Public Art Projects by Peter Sandhaus


Public Art adds tremendous value to the cultural, aesthetic and economic vitality of a community. It is now an accepted principle of urban design that public art contributes to a community's identity, fosters participation and a sense of belonging, and improves the quality of life for residents and visitors.

The art projects are commissioned both by public clients and institutions and, increasingly, by private clients and developers. In any case, the public and the actual users are of course the actual clients and addressees.

For Peter Sandhaus it is this potential of making sense in a built reality that is unfortunately all too often dominated by technical and economic constraints.

Integrated in a strong network of like-minded experts, technicians and craftsmen, we try to develop unique and identity-creating concepts for every spatial situation and every individual commission.

Over the past several years, we have been very happy with our efforts in this art in building and public art. Not only have we been able to win numerous important competitions, but we have also realized several quite sizeable works in public spaces.

For any questions and ideas you may have about commissioned murals or public art please feel welcome to contact Peter Sandhaus directly here.

Here you can find some impressions of realized projects and projects under construction. 

SENKRECHTSTARTER ("Highflyer") (built 2022)

We are happy to have been awarded first price in the public art competition for Europa-Center, Gateway Gardens at Frankfurt Airport (FRA). It is going to be first price in public art competition a classic paper plane model - 6 m high - folded from a single sheet of mirror polished stainless steel.

Client: Europa-Center AG, Hamburg

Budget: 150.000 €





Opened on March 22nd 2024, exactly 4 years after the German government imposed the first lockdown and the whole country came to a standstill..

A 6-metre-long stretcher as a public place for empathetic commemoration and critical discussion about the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, which can still be felt today..




 24 x 2 meters

direct printing on aluminum panels., over 10,000 net cells cnc-milled

For WANDVERNETZUNG (engl. Wall Network) the coordinates of the concrete tie holes were read into the computer. These coordinates follow the grid of 120 cm that is typical for the entire university. 

A growth algorithm programmed by the artist especially for this work spans a complex, organic and colorful network based on these location parameters. 

Such algorithms are used in science and technology, for example, to visualize complex data, to simulate growth processes, or even to optimize constructions. They are also reminiscent of the activity of neurons in the brain and of the so-called neural networks of machine learning.

This broad field of associations makes WANDVERNETZUNG an embodiment of research and learning here at OTH. For what we call learning is, on a neuronal level, exactly this new formation and reinforcement of just such network connections.

The gallery on the 4th floor receives a colorful and space-defining triptych mural with a high recognition value and a high potential for identification for the university as a whole.

4-color direct printing on aluminum panels. Over 10,000 net cells cnc-milled. The metal panels are glued directly to the wall. In this way, the architectural exposed concrete remains visible through the meshes.

Client:  The Free State of Bavaria (Freistaat Bayern)

Budget:  50.000 €



UNSICHERHEITSFAKTOR ("Element Of Uncertainty")

red cross beam dangling on the roof edge of a bay window of a police building

Built following the first prize in the art in architecture competition for the new police headquarter in Greifswald. This piece is titled UNSICHERHEITSFAKTOR meaning "element of uncertainty".

At a time when the question of how to properly exercise the state monopoly on violence is being renegotiated by many people around the globe, we believe that with this installation we can make a relevant contribution to the discussion:

The red beam could fall down at any time. It does not have to, but it could possibly happen. This physically perceptible feeling of slight insecurity lets us experience the task of the police in a functioning constitutional state: namely to ensure public security and order for everyone in the face of real threats.

Client:  State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

Budget:  25.000 €


ANTIKÖRPER ("Anti-Body")

facade penetrated by a giant anti-body made of bright red aluminium lamellas

For the new  Immunology Building at University Clinic Regensburg.
Measuring 40 x 7 meters ANTIKÖRPER ("ANTIBODY") is the largest completed Peter Sandhaus public art project to date.

 Client:  The Free State of Bavaria (Freistaat Bayern)

Budget: 150.000 €




And here some snapshots of the very first larger piece in public space from back in 2016: ZUSCHAUERWELLE (LA OLA) in the foyer of newly renovated Steigerwald-Stadium in Erfurt, Germany. 
The wall mounted aluminum relief is generated from the volume-frequency-analysis of an audio-file of an audience performing the infamous "la ola".
The artwork is car painted in a deep and lustrous red. It embodies the cheerful and passionate emotional  release you can collectively share with others when being part of a big audience.
Client: City of Erfurt (capital of the German state of Thuringia)
Budget: 110.000 € 
ZUSCHAUERWELLE - aluminum relief is generated from the volume-frequency-analysis of an audio-file of an audience performing the infamous "la ola"
ZUSCHAUERWELLE tnhe new entrance to the Steigerwaldstadium in Erfurt by night

ZUSCHAUERWELLE ( la Ola) close up

"Zuschauerwelle" by Peter Sandhaus

For more please check my Public Art Blog : petersandhaus.blogspot

To explore the more easily collectible art by Peter Sandhaus check out the PAINTINGS